Discover our POPUP sweepstakes/database collection platform with the most effective promotional methods and tools for total success!
We created the POPUP system with our more than 20 years of experience in the world of consumer promotions. According to our experience and data, one of the foundations of the sales strategy is sales promotion, and the simplest and most effective form of this is a 360o prize competition with the appropriate message. The data obtained here are also valuable, as they provide the basis for a marketing strategy when analyzed further.
Personalized promotional website, full management of the prize draw and all other activities related to a promotion.
Promotional microsite created in a flexible programming language - unique frontend, templated or unique promotion launches
Continuous contact with the players and communication with the winners during the prize draw
Organizing hostess promotions to promote the prize draw - casting, supervising, on-site, unique prize draws (e.g.: offline wheel of fortune)
Design and writing of content, videos and tags supporting the prize draw. Planning and launching advertising campaigns
Crating prize draw concept, prize pyramid, website, newsletters, design and implementation of prize draw related POS materials
Production of TV spot, TV tag, social media videos and In-store screen video materials, radio advertisements
We look at the campaigns strategically and develop comprehensive media solutions align with the creative materials regardless of the budget (videos, banners, SM campaigns in addition to full-service media solutions including planning, optimalization and buying).
Data management, policy writing, drawing lots with a notary
A more complex money-back mechanism, in which case the campaign is prepared with several input fields. For example, in the case of household appliances, article number and other elements necessary for identification.
Classic AP code / product code (placed in packaging) type suitable for handling top-up campaigns, can be combined with different gift mechanisms (guaranteed, instant, daily-weekly-main prize)
In the case of guaranteed gifts tied to purchase, we recommend this mechanism, where depending on the product purchased by the uploader, the range and quantity of the gifts can even be differentiated.
Head Office
Office 2, Basement Level (-1), 9-11 Bokor Street, Budapest 1037, Hungary