The science of colors in marketing

The science of colors in marketing

How do colors affect us, and what is the science of colors in marketing?
There are some amazing examples of how colors can affect our purchasing decisions. After all, sight is the most strongly developed sense in most humans. It's only natural that 90 percent of a product's assessment is based on color alone. As companies are trying to improve their products, it's key to learn more about this. Let's dig into some of the latest, most interesting research.


Which colors trigger feelings?
The Logo Company came up with a breakdown of which colors are best for which types of companies and why. Here are four examples:

The science of colors in marketing
The science of colors in marketing
The science of colors in marketing

If we look at which colors major brands use, a lot of their choices become more obvious. Clearly each of these companies wants to trigger a specific emotion:

The science of colors in marketing

On top of that, colors can play a major role when we want to buy something.

How colors can improve your online communication (website or app)?
If you are primarily targeting women

  • Women love blue, purple and green.
  • Women hate orange, brown and gray.

If you are primarily targeting men, the results are slightly different:

  • Men love blue, green and black.
  • Men hate brown, orange and purple.

Red button or green button?
In another experiment, HubSpot wanted to find out if changing the color of a button would affect conversion rates. HubSpot started out with two colors, green and red, and tried to guess which would be more effective.

HubSpot's hypothesis for green:
"Green connotes ideas like 'natural' and 'environment,' and given its wide use in traffic lights, suggests the idea of 'go' or forward movement."

HubSpot's hypothesis for red:
"The color red, on the other hand, is often thought to communicate excitement, passion, blood, and warning. It is also used as the color for stopping at traffic lights. Red is also known to be eye-catching."

According to the hypotheses, an A/B test between green and red would result in green—the friendlier color—as the winner. Here is what the experiment looked like:

The science of colors in marketing

The result was surprising: The red button outperformed the green button by 21 percent. Everything on the pages stayed the same, so it was the button color that caused the difference.

Despite all the studies, it's extremely hard to make generalizations. Whatever change you make, treat it first as a hypothesis. Then conduct an experiment and see what the results are. Data always beats opinion. It's fascinating that something as small as color can change an outcome.

