Art of imitation

Due to the scientific definition, meme is an idea, behavior or style, which is being inherited by someone to someone else, dependent on the given cultural reference system. Yes, I use the word inherited intentionally. Many consider memes as evolutionary chain-links, in fact, genes. Memes contain information, and are reproduced by natural selection – since their spreading depends on the effect they have on the receiver. If a meme is successful enough, it will prevail, so it will be descended. Meanwhile it also changes. Slightly modifies, since it gets in touch with new people who look at it at a different way all the time, and continuously transform the meme. This reflects that a meme is much more than its name implies (the ancient Greek word ‘mimeme’ means imitation).

Whoever thinks that meme is the invention of the 21st century and the internet, will be disappointed. Certain memes (rather simple drawings) were documented since the 1940s but who knows if they existed even before that. Their first theoretic mentioning can be linked to the book ‘The selfish gene’ from 1976, written by Richard Dawkins, but it is true that their mass spreading can be linked to the internet. Nowadays several pages produce and share memes (e.g. 9gag, 4chan, Know your meme). Facebook, tumblr, Twitter and YouTube are all infested with memes, even more and more news channel and blog uses them. Nothing can stop their spread. They have become generally known symbols, communication tools. They easily accomplish what marketing people are just whispering about.

Because what does a brand dream about? To become well-known and popular. To incite the imagination of the fans who generate new content by using the identity. To make the brand part of every day’s life, and people should rather let them into their homes than to seclude themselves from them. To deliver the MESSSAGE always, everywhere and simply. A good meme has all these skills. But it often remains a dream even for the biggest brands. Still, it is never too late to learn. If someone spends enough time and energy on examining memes, a lot can be learnt about what consumers are interested it. The real success is, when a brand does not (only) communicate with the customers through paid advertisements, but they have become one themselves who share and multiply their brand experience. Just think about the video of Volvo and Jean-Claude Van Damme to see, the goal possible to reach.
